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Joe McConaughy

Breaking the PCT speed record

Time in episode:29:30

Joe McConaughy

Gear Recommendations

GregoryTempo 8

Time in episode:30:15

The Gregory Tempo 8 Hydration Backpack is built to help you step up your running game with plenty of pocket space for easy access to what you need on the trail. The Hydrapak Shape-Shift reservoir makes sure that you stay hydrated when you're logging the miles. Most importantly, however, the Tempo 8 is designed from the ground up for bounce-free stability. The Wraptor harness hugs your body like it's a part of you, and multiple compression straps ensure the most stable fit possible.

Pie Roller

Time in episode:31:20

Perfect for inhibiting overactive muscles and stretching your favorite pastry doughs! On the trail, Joe's "pie roller" picked up sweat, dirt, blood, and tears. He later used this in the kitchen to add salt, texture, and nostalgia to his pasta.

Deals, Deals, Deals

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